Market Bylaws
This organization shall be called the Brunswick Winter Market
The Mission of this organization is to provide a wintertime outlet for local Maine agricultural and related products
and to help promote small-scale agricultural and rural enterprise, as well as local non-profit organizations with similar priorities. By offering local food and goods to local people, we seek to provide a community gathering place that nurtures awareness of the rural agricultural lifestyle.
The Brunswick Winter Market consists of local small growers of vegetables and related agricultural products; local producers of "value added" items including, but not limited to: baked goods, pickles, preserves, etc.; local people involved in catching, processing and distributing Maine seafood products; local craftspeople and any other category deemed acceptable to the voting membership.
It is recognized that although members sell as individuals, the Brunswick Winter Market is a cohesive unit, the success of which depends on the cooperation and joint effort of the vendors as a whole.
A. A member in good standing of the Brunswick Winter Market shall be any vendor (production unit) who:
the Steering Committee at any meeting with a quorum sufficient to act upon it.
C. Good Standing:
1. A vote on Expulsion may only be held at a regularly scheduled
Winter Market meeting.
2. A member shall be expelled from the Winter Market by a 2/3 vote of members present at the meeting.
3. A member that has been expelled may reapply for membership as a new member at any time in the future assuming that they meet the conditions of Good Standing.
E. Any and all disputes within the market community will be arbitrated by the STEERING COMMITTEE or their designated assignees.
F. New Applicants must have a minimum percentage of 30% of votes of to be voted in as probationary members.
G: Membership in the Brunswick Winter Market is open to all Maine Producers without regard to age, sex, race, creed or sexual orientation.
The offices of the Brunswick Winter Market shall consist of President, Market Manager and Secretary/Treasurer.
The Steering Committee shall consist of the above seats as well as two (2) members-at-large. All roles shall be served for a term of one (1) year.
A: President
The President shall preside over all meetings of the Market and the Steering Committee, he/she shall also be responsible for calling any special meetings. The President shall be in charge of public relations pertaining to the Market, focusing especially on the advertisement, publicity and promotion of the market.
B: Market Manager
The Market Manager shall attend to the duties of the President in his/her absence.
He/She shall also be responsible for enforcing the collection of any required monies and the adherence to Market Rules and Policy. The Market Manager shall supervise the day-to-day operation of the Market.
C: Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep record of all meetings and send out notices of all meetings called by the President. He/She shall maintain the roster of current membership. He/She shall also keep a record of all money received for the operation of the market and record a report on the foregoing whenever requested to do so. He/She shall record minutes of all Market meetings and distribute them to the membership within one (1) week after the meeting.
D: Steering Committee
These aforementioned officers, together with four (4) elected members-at- large shall comprise the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall meet on the call of the President, or in his/her absence, the call of the Market Manager. The Steering Committee shall have general charge of all Market activities, including the power to authorize the Secretary/Treasurer
to pay bills approved by the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee may sponsor any advertising or promotion and may request support from various municipalities and other entities for promoting the successful operation and expansion of the market. At the request of the Market Manager, the Steering Committee shall investigate any suspicion of questionable practices employed by any vendor. The Steering Committee shall also be responsible for maintaining a current set of Rules for the operation of the market. In the case of a vacancy within the Steering Committee, the Steering Committee shall have the power to appoint an interim replacement for no longer than two (2) months, or until the vacancy is filled by vote of the membership.
ARTICLE 5: MEETINGS A: Annual Meeting
There shall be an annual meeting of the full Market Membership, at which time a new board shall be elected, and the Market By-Laws may be reviewed and/or amended. This meeting shall be held during the Market’s off-season. The Steering Committee shall set the date of the meeting by the last Saturday in March. Notice of the meeting and a meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, must be sent so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
B: Special Meetings
1: A special meeting may be called by the President, or the Market Manager in the case of the President’s
absence, to conduct necessary business of the market, including reviewing new applications, filling a vacancy on the Steering Committee, amending the By-Laws, or creating a temporary sub-committee. A meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, must be sent so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
2: A Special Meeting may be called by a written petition signed by at least 20% of the membership, providing that all signatures are of members in good standing. Such a petition must be presented to the Steering Committee, who shall send out a meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
C: Quorum
All general business brought before the Market at a duly authorized meeting shall be decided by a majority vote. A quorum of not less than 50% of the general membership is required to conduct business. Votes shall carry by a simple majority of those present at the meeting. In the event of a
tie the result shall be considered negative. Members in good standing shall have the privilege of voting in all meetings of the Market’s general membership. Each member entity shall have one (1) vote.
A: All expenses pertaining to the operation and promotion of the market shall dealt with individually. Members
shall be notified of their obligations by the Steering Committee. All monies shall be collected by the Market Manager. B: In addition to any other obligations, there shall be a stall fee determined by the landlord of the locale the Market occupies. Notice of amount and payment due dates shall be given at the annual meeting each year. If the
information is not available at the annual meeting than members shall be notified as soon as possible thereafter.
C: Any member whose financial obligations fall in arrears shall be notified by the Market Manager. Failure to pay
any required monies shall result in the immediate loss of the right to vote in all Market matters, as well as the right to serve in any elected Market position. Continuing in arrears may result in the loss of membership status at the decision of the Steering Committee.
D: In the event of dissolution, any remaining monies shall be disposed of in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the members, after satisfying all debts and other obligations of the Market.
Each member shall have the right to examine, for any purpose, the books, records, roster of membership, and other records of the Market.
The articles outlined heretofore may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members in good standing
at any regular or special meeting, providing that a Quorum of not less than 50% is present and that a meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, is sent so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
This organization shall be called the Brunswick Winter Market
The Mission of this organization is to provide a wintertime outlet for local Maine agricultural and related products
and to help promote small-scale agricultural and rural enterprise, as well as local non-profit organizations with similar priorities. By offering local food and goods to local people, we seek to provide a community gathering place that nurtures awareness of the rural agricultural lifestyle.
The Brunswick Winter Market consists of local small growers of vegetables and related agricultural products; local producers of "value added" items including, but not limited to: baked goods, pickles, preserves, etc.; local people involved in catching, processing and distributing Maine seafood products; local craftspeople and any other category deemed acceptable to the voting membership.
It is recognized that although members sell as individuals, the Brunswick Winter Market is a cohesive unit, the success of which depends on the cooperation and joint effort of the vendors as a whole.
A. A member in good standing of the Brunswick Winter Market shall be any vendor (production unit) who:
- Has been accepted into the organization by the positive vote of the
membership. - Has completed a probationary period of one (1) market season.
- Is current on all rental fees and other monies required by the business of
the Brunswick Winter Market. - Has provided proof of current insurance and licensing as required by the
landlord and applicable local and state regulations - Abides by the established Rules and By-Laws of the Brunswick Winter
the Steering Committee at any meeting with a quorum sufficient to act upon it.
C. Good Standing:
- Only members in good standing shall have the right to vote in Market
meetings. Each production unit shall have one (1) vote.Only members in Good Standing shall be allowed to set-up and sell at the Brunswick Winter Market. - Members may be deemed to be NOT in Good Standing if
the Steering Committee vote in the majority to find that the member does not meet the Good Standing
Requirements as outlined in Article 3.A- The required quorum for a vote of the Steering Committee is 4
members. - In the case that the Steering Committee votes to find a member Not in Good Standing, the member in question shall be notified of the finding by email and written letter and shall be given a period of time, to be determined by the Officers and Steering Committee, but at a minimum of 1 weeks, to rectify the issue at cause.
- In the event that the member NOT in Good Standing does not rectify the issue to the satisfaction of the Steering Committee the member shall be considered to be NOT in Good Standing until such a time as the issue is rectified.
- A member who is NOT in Good Standing is still required to pay for the space they rent at the Market despite not being able to attend. The Steering Committee may decide to fill the space with a substitute vendor during such a time, but must allow the memeber to return at such a time that they return to being a Member in Good Standing.
- The required quorum for a vote of the Steering Committee is 4
1. A vote on Expulsion may only be held at a regularly scheduled
Winter Market meeting.
2. A member shall be expelled from the Winter Market by a 2/3 vote of members present at the meeting.
3. A member that has been expelled may reapply for membership as a new member at any time in the future assuming that they meet the conditions of Good Standing.
E. Any and all disputes within the market community will be arbitrated by the STEERING COMMITTEE or their designated assignees.
F. New Applicants must have a minimum percentage of 30% of votes of to be voted in as probationary members.
G: Membership in the Brunswick Winter Market is open to all Maine Producers without regard to age, sex, race, creed or sexual orientation.
The offices of the Brunswick Winter Market shall consist of President, Market Manager and Secretary/Treasurer.
The Steering Committee shall consist of the above seats as well as two (2) members-at-large. All roles shall be served for a term of one (1) year.
A: President
The President shall preside over all meetings of the Market and the Steering Committee, he/she shall also be responsible for calling any special meetings. The President shall be in charge of public relations pertaining to the Market, focusing especially on the advertisement, publicity and promotion of the market.
B: Market Manager
The Market Manager shall attend to the duties of the President in his/her absence.
He/She shall also be responsible for enforcing the collection of any required monies and the adherence to Market Rules and Policy. The Market Manager shall supervise the day-to-day operation of the Market.
C: Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep record of all meetings and send out notices of all meetings called by the President. He/She shall maintain the roster of current membership. He/She shall also keep a record of all money received for the operation of the market and record a report on the foregoing whenever requested to do so. He/She shall record minutes of all Market meetings and distribute them to the membership within one (1) week after the meeting.
D: Steering Committee
These aforementioned officers, together with four (4) elected members-at- large shall comprise the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall meet on the call of the President, or in his/her absence, the call of the Market Manager. The Steering Committee shall have general charge of all Market activities, including the power to authorize the Secretary/Treasurer
to pay bills approved by the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee may sponsor any advertising or promotion and may request support from various municipalities and other entities for promoting the successful operation and expansion of the market. At the request of the Market Manager, the Steering Committee shall investigate any suspicion of questionable practices employed by any vendor. The Steering Committee shall also be responsible for maintaining a current set of Rules for the operation of the market. In the case of a vacancy within the Steering Committee, the Steering Committee shall have the power to appoint an interim replacement for no longer than two (2) months, or until the vacancy is filled by vote of the membership.
ARTICLE 5: MEETINGS A: Annual Meeting
There shall be an annual meeting of the full Market Membership, at which time a new board shall be elected, and the Market By-Laws may be reviewed and/or amended. This meeting shall be held during the Market’s off-season. The Steering Committee shall set the date of the meeting by the last Saturday in March. Notice of the meeting and a meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, must be sent so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
B: Special Meetings
1: A special meeting may be called by the President, or the Market Manager in the case of the President’s
absence, to conduct necessary business of the market, including reviewing new applications, filling a vacancy on the Steering Committee, amending the By-Laws, or creating a temporary sub-committee. A meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, must be sent so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
2: A Special Meeting may be called by a written petition signed by at least 20% of the membership, providing that all signatures are of members in good standing. Such a petition must be presented to the Steering Committee, who shall send out a meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
C: Quorum
All general business brought before the Market at a duly authorized meeting shall be decided by a majority vote. A quorum of not less than 50% of the general membership is required to conduct business. Votes shall carry by a simple majority of those present at the meeting. In the event of a
tie the result shall be considered negative. Members in good standing shall have the privilege of voting in all meetings of the Market’s general membership. Each member entity shall have one (1) vote.
A: All expenses pertaining to the operation and promotion of the market shall dealt with individually. Members
shall be notified of their obligations by the Steering Committee. All monies shall be collected by the Market Manager. B: In addition to any other obligations, there shall be a stall fee determined by the landlord of the locale the Market occupies. Notice of amount and payment due dates shall be given at the annual meeting each year. If the
information is not available at the annual meeting than members shall be notified as soon as possible thereafter.
C: Any member whose financial obligations fall in arrears shall be notified by the Market Manager. Failure to pay
any required monies shall result in the immediate loss of the right to vote in all Market matters, as well as the right to serve in any elected Market position. Continuing in arrears may result in the loss of membership status at the decision of the Steering Committee.
D: In the event of dissolution, any remaining monies shall be disposed of in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the members, after satisfying all debts and other obligations of the Market.
Each member shall have the right to examine, for any purpose, the books, records, roster of membership, and other records of the Market.
The articles outlined heretofore may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members in good standing
at any regular or special meeting, providing that a Quorum of not less than 50% is present and that a meeting agenda, including any proposed amendments, is sent so that members receive notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.